School Calendar
Please click here to view our school calendar if the view below is not clear on your device
Subscribing to the school calendar
You can link the school calendar to your own personal calendar by subscribing. This means that all the events we publish on the school calendar will automatically pull through to your personal calendar, alongside any other existing calendars you may already have. You only have to subscribe once; any changes made will be reflected in your personal calendar.
Public iCal address for subscribing to the School Calendar
Click on this link to download the .ics file, or right click and copy the link, or copy and paste this link:
How to add calendar subscriptions to your Apple Mac, iPhone or iPad
Please note: Events on subscribed calendars are not editable. Although the calendar updates instantly, it may take up to 12 hours for new events to show in your personal calendar depending on which type of calendar you are using.