Snow Days
Please find below answers to our FAQs on what to do in the event of snowfall:-
What happens if snow falls overnight?
If snow occurs overnight, we will assess the situation by 7.30am and decide whether it is safe to open the school. Before making the decision we will consider:
- the conditions for families and staff travelling on foot and by car as safety is paramount
- the conditions within school (heating, running water, flushing toilets)
- if conditions are likely to improve or worsen
- what external agencies (Police, Local Authority etc) are advising across the region
How will I find out if the school is open?
In order to provide parents with up-to-date information we would ask that you check one of the following:
- The homepage of this website
- Our PTA Facebook page – Walsh Memorial C of E Infants’ PTA
- Your emails
I am sending my child to school but we are going to be late
We recognise that journeys may take a little longer on ‘snow days’ however if your child is going to arrive after 9.15am and would like a school dinner (if available) please ensure that you call the school on 01252 321426. Please note that we will only be able to provide a cold lunch if the roads are treacherous as our hot meals come from Ash Grange.
What do I do if I wish to keep my child home during a ‘snow day’?
If the school is open and you choose to keep your child home, please ensure that you notify the school before 9.30am on the first day, in the usual way. If you live within walking distance to the school this absence will be marked as unauthorised.
What happens if the weather deteriorates further during the day?
If the weather conditions worsen, we may need to close the school early and we will notify you via email. Therefore please ensure that you check your messages regularly. If you do not have an email address, please check for updates on our website homepage.
Will the decision be the same for the Junior school?
No, not necessarily. Each school has to make an independent decision based on whether sufficient staff will be able to make it into school safely if the school is to open. We are in a very fortunate position to have most of our staff living in the local area.
School closure is not something that we take lightly, we recognise that it can cause significant problems for parents and we will only close the school if absolutely necessary.